Aadhaar Card
A Large number of countries across of the world use a Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Number system for each every citizen of his country. So Indian Government has also introduced this type system for his country, its called AADHAAR and also know as UID.
दुनिया भर में बड़े पैमाने पर देश अपने प्रत्येक देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक के लिए एक अद्वितीय पहचान प्राधिकरण (यूआईडीएआई) संख्या प्रणाली का उपयोग करते हैं। इसलिए भारत सरकार ने इस प्रकार की प्रणाली को अपने देश के लिए भी पेश किया है, इसका नाम आधार है.
Indian Government main aim to use the number to offer benefits to all Indian citizen. the common idea of AADHAAR project is to issue each and every civilian with a single number and for give benefit of the schemes that the government announced.
the unique identity number consists of the issuance of an Aadhaar Card with a twelve digit Aadhaar number on it.
What is Aadhaar Card?
Every citizen in the country is unique and needs an identification mark to different it from the others. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was created and given the task of developing and issuing the Aadhaar Card. Indian Government has adopted an identification Number system commonly known as Aadhaar or Unique Identification Number (UID).
The agency was established by the Government of India in January 2009 and it operates under the central Government. The purpose of Unique Identification Authority of India is collect the biometric and physical address, demographic details and contact information about each and every Indian Citizen.
After the data is collected, it is stored in a centralized database system called the UID Database.
Aadhaar, the 12-digit identification number now mandatory for many essential tasks of Indian Government, is issued by the UIDAI or Unique Identification Authority of India.
Purpose of Aadhaar card?
Aadhaar card is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Indian government to every citizen of India.A citizen of Indian can apply for the Aadhaar number and card by submitting the existing identity proof (passport, PAN card, driving license, etc.) and address proof (phone/ power bill, bank statements, etc.) and by undergoing biometric profiling (fingerprints and eye scan) at any Aadhaar center.
Aadhaar Card will also serve as the basis for Know Your Customer (KYC) norms used by banks, financial institutions, telecom firms and other businesses that maintain customer profiles.
Aadhaar Card will help in reducing the corruption since every individual carries only one unique number. Apart from serving the purpose of verification, aadhaar also helps individual to open new bank accounts, get new gas connections, get new mobile connections, rail/bus tickets booked online and other government benefits etc. Another reason that the Indian Government has cited for the creation of this was help to curb illegal immigration to the country.
Use of aadhaar card?
The Aadhaar Card is a unique card that does not really have a specific purpose behind the Adhaar Card. For example an Aadhaar card can be used as identity proof, Address proof as well as age proof when apply for any all Indian Government Services.
Aadhaar card give the government with accurate data on beneficiaries, enables direct benefit programs, and allows the government departments/service providers to coordinate and optimize various schemes.
Aadhaar card will enable to verify beneficiaries and ensure targeted delivery of benefits. Aadhaar card platform providing information accurate and transparent about the service delivery mechanism, Indian government can improve disbursement systems and utilize scarce development funds more effectively and efficiently including better human resource utilisation involved in the service delivery network.
Aadhaar Card is a biometric system that stores all the personal details in a database maintained by the Indian Government. The Indian Government found most success in the implementation and issuance of Aadhaar Card, every Indian’s Person have Unique Identification Number. Almost 90% of Indian’s have a UID, and the Indian government and total population of India have a UID.
Universal Identity Card:
Aadhaar Card main aim to formulate the aadhaar card has always to make unique identity card for the citizen of India. Aadhaar has become one of the most trusted and reliable identity cards. It not only has the photograph of the card holder but also contains his biometric details like fingerprints and iris image. Aadhaar Card Most Useful and important identification proof.
Residence Proof:
Aadhaar Card made with residential address of the card holder. Aadhaar Card can thus be used as a residence proof in almost all government as well as non government verification processes.
Goverment Subsidy:
The Indian Government has made it compulsory for all citizen to link their document with Aadhaar Card to avail subsidy under different government schemes.
Bank Accounts:
Aadhaar Card has become a primary requirement for the all banking System. Aadhaar Card has most required for opening bank account these day. most banks need only Aadhaar card and pan card to open the bank account of the applicant.
Income Tax:
The Income Tax Department has made compulsory for taxpayers to link your documents with your Aadhaar card and aadhaar number. Aadhaar card must link with pan card. Aadhaar card is mandatorily be required while paying income tax and filing returns.
Phone Connection:
Now these day All Sim Companies has must be required Aadhaar Card for New and Old sim activation. with Aadhaar Card is shortest process for sim activation.
Gas Connection:
All citizen have provide their Aadhaar Card details for new gas connection. In case they don’t provide their there aadhaar card details on Gas connection distribution then they don’t give gas subsidy.
Download Your Aadhaar Card:
If your aadhaar card has been lost then you can get back again . Government of India is facilitating to provide that you can download your E – Aadhaar card and this will be valid as the same like original and can give the copy of it as the identity proof of aadhaar card(Read Continue…)
Update Your Aadhaar Card:
Aadhaar Card are provide gaining importance, spelling errors and other mistakes in your Aadhaar card details can to lead to problems for you. Linking Aadhaar cbard with gas connection, mobile connection ,bank, pan other mandatory for many services, requires but some problem doesnot match with your given details of document and aadhaar card(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar Card Update Status:
Indian Government provide to facilities to update your aadhaar card according to your requirement of every citizen. but many time aadhaar card update has been rejected automatically due to the provided data mismatch.so many citizen have look for check your aadhaar card update status online(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar Card Download By Name:
If your are lose your aadhaar card and you do not have any information like 12 digit Number then you can get your Aadhaar card out of your name, for which you will follow fill the some process(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar Card Link With Voter Id:
A Voter ID Card is also known as the Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is a photo identity card that is issued by the Election Commission of India to all individuals who are eligible to vote. Many cases some citizen have more than one Voter ID card have been reported in the past. As the Aadhaar registration requires an individual’s biometric information, hence the chances of duplication are almost impossible. So Indian Government Decided to link to Aadhaar Card with voter id(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar Card Link With Pan Card:
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) recently announced that it has extended the deadline to link PAN and Aadhaar to March 31, 2018.The Income Tax Department has made compulsory for taxpayers to link your documents with your Aadhaar card and aadhaar number. Aadhaar card must link with pan card. Aadhaar card is mandatorily be required while paying income tax and filing returns(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar Card Link With Ration cards:
Aadhaar Card and Ration cards are mandatory for every citizen of India because these are the main identity proof that will proof you are a citizen of India. without Ration Card they don’t make any legal document of Indian Government. Many cases some citizen have more than one Ration card have been reported in the past. So Indian Government Decided to link to Aadhaar Card with Ration Card(Read Continue…)
Aadhaar card link with LPG gas connection:
As per government rules, LPG users are eligible to receive only 12 cylinders a year at a subsidised rate. Mostly LPG users are going through rejection of their LPC connection, because they did not link their Aadhaar card number to LPG connection(Read Continue…)